26 September 2015


Okay so it's been a while since I've posted on this blog, but everything's been pretty busy for me. I mean, school has  been completely hectic and my sleeping schedule has been jacked up. I can't even stay up past 9 pm on  a Friday night because I'm so tired of everything. So for cooking breakfast in the morning, I have resorted to microwavable meals. I'm not talking about the Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches, but home cooked meals made in less than 10 minutes. The first thing I attempted to make was a pancake in a mug. I had seen this recipe on a website that had a list of these microwavable meals and was very interested in trying this. So, I tried making this for my sisters one day. One word: AMAZING!!! The pancake was absolutely delicious and cooked perfectly in the mugs. I would definitely recommend this recipe to anyone that needs a quick meal in less than a minute. The link for this recipe is below, I would also recommend this website because it has many other delicious recipes worth trying. Have fun cooking and adios!!!


My pancake in a cup:

23 August 2015


Okay, so a lot has happened since the last time I updated my blog. After my STAAR tests that I ranted about in my previous post, I went on this school trip to tour around the New England region. We went to many different places and I got to visit D.C and New York City. This trip was absolutely awesome and I really enjoyed going to all the different places. After my trip, school was basically over and all I had left was my 8th grade graduation ceremony. Since this was the school's first year, the graduation wasn't extravagant, but it was pretty amazing. We had a ceremony and, from that ceremony, I got four medals. Three of these medals were for getting commended on my algebra, science and history tests. The remaining medal was for having perfect attendance, which I didn't even knew I had. After the ceremony, we left the school in a bus and went to the church that I would be attending at this year. After arriving at the church, we spent a couple of hours just hanging out and meeting some of our high school teachers. Then summer came. To be completely honest, I spent half the summer doing absolutely nothing. My days were spent doing only three things: eating, sleeping and watching TV. Around mid-July, my family and I went on a trip to Chicago to visit my grandparents and uncles. The three weeks we spent there were really fun. We did a ton of shopping while we were there. I really had fun this summer and I really can't wait till next summer. Maybe we'll spend more time in Chicago next time. ADIOS!!!!

18 April 2015

STARR Testing

Okay,  so this upcoming week is STAAR testing at my school.  During this time of the school year,  it gets really boring at school because of all the tests we have to take. Sadly, this year I have to take FOUR STAAR tests. Of those for tests, I only have two that are actually eighth grade. They're the science and social studies tests. In fact, I have the science on Wednesday and social studies on Tuesday. The only one that I'm remotely worried about is the science because on the spring mock STAAR test, I we only one question away from being commended, which is really good on the STAAR. My other tests that I have to take this year is the algebra I and English I EOC. Thankfully, I already took my five-hour English test. I think that of all the tests that I'm going to take, the algebra I test is probably going to be the easiest test for me because math is my strongest subject in school. I mean, last year I took the eighth grade STAAR test and only missed two questions. I also got like the best score on the test in my school- seventh and eighth graders combined. This year, I'm just hoping that I get commended on all of my tests. So, wish me luck woke I knock these tests out of the way. Adios my fellow readers!!!

30 March 2015


Okay, so it's been a while since I've posted, but I've got a legitimate reason as to why. For the past month, my teachers all simultaneously agreed to double up the homework and make us study harder. It doesn't help that we've got STAAR tests in the spring, but obviously that doesn't matter. Usually this time of the school year, I get really bored because we barely do anything and we just study for STAAR tests. Sadly, this new district doesn't share the same ideas as my previous district. Today, I had to take my English I EOC (End-of-course) test. The test took me four and a half hours to complete in our five-hour time limit. I was absolutely shocked at how different the seventh grade test was and the EOC. This test contained 63 multiple-choice questions, 3 short answers and 1 essay. I'm absolutely glad that we were given a five-hour limit cause I wouldn't of finished the test on time in four hours. Another good thing that's coming up is that it's almost Good Friday. Supposedly, this day is so important that we get to have a student holiday at my school, so I've got no school on Friday!!! Well, I guess this is all that's going on right now, but we get to pick our high school classes soon so I'll post again soon. Hasta luego, mis amigos!!!!

28 February 2015


Okay, so it's been a while since I've been on my blog and a lot has happened in the past like seven weeks. There was this huge cold front that came and we had a bunch of snow. This past week, I only had to go to school for three days. My school had a three-day weekend that turned into a four-day weekend. On Wednesday, we had a two-hour delay pushing back the start of school to 9:45. There was snow from the previous days that covered the roads and freeways. The snow and ice was all melted by noon. On Thursday, the day was actually fine and actually kind of warm. Thursday night, though, it rained and sleeted. Sometime during the night it snowed lightly. The weather forecast said that the temperatures wouldn't go above freezing. Friday morning there was snow, but it didn't appear to be terrible. It started to snow around 8 in the morning while I was in first period. The snow started to really accumulate around 10 am. By fourth period, which starts at 10:10, the snow was coming heavily. At around 10:40, my school decided that the weather conditions were really bad. The roads were icy and, if we were to have a full day, the traffic for pick-up would be absolutely terrible. So, what they did was, after contacting the parents, have all the kids in grades kindergarten to fourth grade be picked up at 11. Then they would have grades fifth to eighth grade be picked up noon. So instead of going to my fifth through tenth periods, I got to go home. Yesterday, I got to skip two tests and an extremely tedious class. So, hopefully my school schedule doesn't get me too busy so that I can blog again. Adios amigos!

BTW, that dress is black and blue. ------------>

05 January 2015

Last Day of Break :(

Today was the last day of break and I'm utterly saddened by how fast it went. I really had am awesome break. My mom, sisters and I went shopping more the once throughout the break. I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas, Hanukkah, etc. and an even better New Years.