23 August 2015


Okay, so a lot has happened since the last time I updated my blog. After my STAAR tests that I ranted about in my previous post, I went on this school trip to tour around the New England region. We went to many different places and I got to visit D.C and New York City. This trip was absolutely awesome and I really enjoyed going to all the different places. After my trip, school was basically over and all I had left was my 8th grade graduation ceremony. Since this was the school's first year, the graduation wasn't extravagant, but it was pretty amazing. We had a ceremony and, from that ceremony, I got four medals. Three of these medals were for getting commended on my algebra, science and history tests. The remaining medal was for having perfect attendance, which I didn't even knew I had. After the ceremony, we left the school in a bus and went to the church that I would be attending at this year. After arriving at the church, we spent a couple of hours just hanging out and meeting some of our high school teachers. Then summer came. To be completely honest, I spent half the summer doing absolutely nothing. My days were spent doing only three things: eating, sleeping and watching TV. Around mid-July, my family and I went on a trip to Chicago to visit my grandparents and uncles. The three weeks we spent there were really fun. We did a ton of shopping while we were there. I really had fun this summer and I really can't wait till next summer. Maybe we'll spend more time in Chicago next time. ADIOS!!!!

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